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Adventure Guidebook When Life Becomes a Maze
When Life Becomes a Maze by Dr David R Mains
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List Price: $7.00
Our Price: $7.00

Product Code: WTD06

You've run into a wall. Now what do you do?

Sooner or later everyone faces one of life's mazes. No matter who you are or where you live in the world, life presents labyrinths in finances, job situations, family relationships, and many other areas. So what do you do when you're stuck in one of life's mazes? .

From his own experiences, David Mains honestly and vulnerably shares the principles he has learned while in his own maze. No matter what puzzling perplexity you face, you can press through to emerge with the Lord by your side!

Utilize this resource in conjunction with the Adult Adventure Journal.

Adventure Guidebook bulk order pricing:
1-19 at $7.00 each
20-99 at $6.00 each (save 15%)
100-299 at $5.50 each (save 22%)
300+ at $5.00 each (save 29%)

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