Our comprehensive Campaign Starter Kit contains every major resource you need to conduct this 50 Day Spiritual Adventure as a church-wide emphasis. Plus, you save 39% off the individual component prices by buying them in this complete package ($395 value - you save $155):
One Preacher's Starter Kit One Small Group Leader's Guide One Drama / Discussion Starter Video in DVD One Life More Better Student Leader's Guide on CD One Life More Better EDGETV Video in DVD One Follow the Leader Children's Curriculum on CD Two Kids journals, Grades 3-6 Two Kids activity books, Grades K-2 One Worship Leader's CD-ROM of PowerPoint imagery In the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure, "Daring to Dream Again," Sermon Series your entire congregation will journey into God's life-changing Word. You'll unfold ways to dream again spiritually. You'll teach people how to live up to the desires God has for each of us. You'll unfold ways to overcome barriers that hold your church back from its enormous God-given potential. Infuse everyone with new life and spiritual energy as you investigate the biblical, heartfelt aspirations God has on our behalf. In the process, overcome the sermon-sucking Black Hole by equipping your people to remember your sermons and practice what you preach each Sunday.
DARING TO DREAM AGAIN To dare to dream again,
Let God heal your painful past How-to: Take on a healthy new identity - Judges 6:11-24
Discover God's present involvement in your life How-to: Go on a daily God Hunt - 1 Samuel 24:1-28
Establish godly goals for your future How-to: Set Godly goals - John 12:1-6; Matthew 26:14-16
Empower everything you do for God with prayer How-to: Personalize the "Dream" Prayer - 1 Samuel 1:1-28
Confront your ungodly prejudices How-to: Widen your circle of unlikely friends - Acts 10:1-35
Identify with God's heart for the world How-to: Become a world-class Christian - Jonah 3:1-4:11
Move with God beyond your comfort zones How-to: Go for the gulp - Luke 1:26-38; 2:33-35; John 19:25b-27
Believe that with God all things are possible How-to: Begin dreaming again - John 20:24-31
For a Sermon Series Summary, CLICK HERE.
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