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Campaign Deluxe Starter Kit for Seeing the Unseen Christ
Campaign Deluxe Starter Kit for Seeing the Unseen Christ
List Price: $249.95
Our Price: $249.95

Product Code: STUC01

Pastor: Order your Deluxe Campaign Starter Kit today if you want to use this 8-Sunday sermon series called "Seeing the Unseen Christ" as a church-wide campaign. Our Campaign Starter Kit contains everything you need to unfold this series from the pulpit, plus integrate it throughout the adult, teen and children's education ministries of your church. Purchase this to get started (or consider ordering our Preacher's Starter Kit if you just want to preach or teach the series instead). Included in the Deluxe Campaign Starter Kit are the following:

1. One Preacher's Starter Kit.

2. One Small Group Leader's Guide.

3. One Group Discussion Starter/Drama Video

4. Two Adult Large Print Journals

5. One Student Leader's Guide

6. One EDGETV Youth Group Video

7. Two Teen Journals

8. One Children's Curriculum

9. One Sing-a-long Music Tape

10. Two Kids Journals (grades 3-6)

11. Two Kids activity books (grades K-2)

12. One Music Leader's Package and Songbook

13. One 3 foot by 6 foot Promotional Banner

14. Six full-color Promotional Posters

The total value of this Deluxe Campaign Starter Kit package is $571.85, but you save 55% ($311.90) off the purchase price!

For a Sermon Series Summary, CLICK HERE.

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