Seeing the Unseen ChristThis life-changing 50 Day Spiritual Adventure preaching series will move your entire congregation to experience the transforming presence of the risen Lord by "seeing" Christ present in church on Sundays (and beyond). They'll develop a whole new outlook toward Sundays (and everyday) when they learn to capture a deeper perspective on Christ's active, living presence among us.
Use this transformational 50-Day Spiritual Adventure to help your congregation members discover answers to the following question: How would you respond if Jesus physically attended your church for eight Sundays in a row?
When we "see" Christ present on Sundays we will:
1. Worship him with genuine enthusiasm 2. Lavish his love on others 3. Embrace righteousness and renounce evil 4. Serve him with gratitude and eagerness 5. Surrender to the truth of God's Word 6. Experience the privilege of authentic prayer 7. Delight in introducing him to others 8. Celebrate God's gift of life at its best
Equip your people to apply your messages daily: 1. Prepare Your Heart for Meaningful Worship 2. Show Christ's Love through Secret Acts 3. Reverse a Self-Destructive Pattern 4. Live a Lighthouse Lifestyle 5. Converse with Christ about Life at Its Best
About the Seeing the Unseen Christ 50-Day Spiritual AdventureThe old axiom, “Out of sight - out of mind,” is almost universally true, with the singular exception of someone who is head-over-heels in love with someone who is not in their presence. It’s the way we are built. We dwell in a body that receives and transmits information through our physical senses. The things that we hear and see, taste and touch and smell are the things that attract and hold our attention.
This is what Paul is talking about when he urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. A Christian is a person who has been made spiritually alive by faith in the finished work of Christ. That means that, in addition to our physical senses, we have direct access to God as His Spirit communicates with ours. He has given us the ability to see the unseen. Many Christians mistakenly believe that the Bible tells us that “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for those that love Him,” (I Corinthians 2:9) because they do not read the next verse, which says “But He has revealed them unto us by His Spirit.”
It is unfortunate that any Christian, let alone a congregation or a multitude of us, would be like the world, bound by the flesh, so much so that we do not see the unseen Christ. He is much more than a figure on a flannel board or the center of a scene on a stain-glassed window. Alas, the truth is, that is all that too many Christians see. For them, He is the Unseen Christ.
But, He is the living God, and He has given us, as it were, Spirit eyes so that we may see Him as He is. This 50-Day Adventure is an opportunity for you to help your congregation to turn their eyes upon Jesus until the things of earth, though here and real, turn strangely dim. What a marvelous thing it would be to see the results of leading your people through eight weeks of learning how to see the Unseen Christ. Once they learn to see Him in every minute of every day, in every circumstance along the way, they will never want to think like the world again. They will understand the joy of being head-over-heels in love with Christ so that, no matter where they are or what they are doing, they will see Christ.
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